
I am writing to thank each and every one of you for the wonderful support and care you have given me here. A lot in me has changed since I first arrived here and I owe a lot to the great staff. May God bless you!

Troy {alumn}

You might not remember me, but I was a resident in 2001. I wanted to thank all of you for the impact on my life. I was also wondering if there is a way that I could give back to you all financially or any other way. Please let me know.

Jamie {alumni}

Thank you to the staff at Tennessee Children’s Home. All of you have been both gracious and kind to my grandson. The opportunity for growth, respect of self and others have been instilled and reinforced in all ways. Thank you for your Christian love and providing a safe home for my grandson.

Marian {grandmother}

Thank you for helping me address my problems with God and self-pride. I once dealt drugs and got high on drugs, but now I deal the Message and get high spiritually. I once thought God had turned His back on me, but now I know how much He loves me. You taught me a lot about life and how to be my own man.

Joe {alumni}

The employees at Tennessee Children’s Home are a blessing. It takes special people to be so committed to these children. I recommend this program to all parents that have troubled children.

Angela {mother}